Monday 14 November 2016

Seed Crackers

This is my favourite gluten free cracker.  The flavour reminds me of eating salted sunflower or pumpkin seeds in the shell.  It's very easy to make, but you do have to plan for the soaking time.  I usually start soaking the seeds right before I go to bed, and they are ready to go the next morning.

Seed Crackers

Makes enough to fill 2 cookie sheets

  • 3/4 cup each of sunflower seeds, and (shelled) pumpkin seeds
  • 1/2 cup whole flax seed
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • water

  • Place sunflower and pumpkin seeds in a large bowl and cover with filtered water - should be a couple of inches extra water.  
  • Put the flax seed in another container, and stir in 1 cup of filtered water.
  • Cover, and let both containers sit at room temperature for 6 hours, or overnight.
  • Preheat the oven to 325ºF.
  • Put the sunflower and pumpkin seeds in a sieve to drain them, and rinse them.  Put the rinsed seeds back in a large bowl.
  • Pour the flax seed, with the water, into the bowl with the other seeds.  By this time, most of the water in the flax seed container will have turned to a gel - that is what binds these crackers together.  
  • Add the sea salt to the seeds, and mix well.
  • Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • Divide the seed mixture evenly between the two baking sheets, and spread until quite thin.

  • If desired, grind some flavoured salt over the seed mixture on the two sheets.
  • Bake for approximately 35 minutes.
  • Score the crackers, and flip them.  (I confess, I often don't flip them, but they do look nicer when you do)
  • Bake for about 35 more minutes or until golden brown, and desired crispness.  
  • Remove from oven, and allow to cool on a wire rack.

  1. Feel free to substitute other seeds.  I have tried nuts, but don't think they work as well in this cracker.  
  2. Don't eliminate the flax seed - you need the gel.  You can substitute chia seed for flax, as they also make a gel.
  3. Try adding various dried herbs, or other seasonings.  Maybe chopped green onion, etc,

You can make them crispy or chewy by varying the length of time you bake them - I'm a fan of crispy myself!  I love to eat them with salad for lunch, or a snack for coffee break.  But they would be good with toppings as party snacks.  Everyone I've served them to scarfs them down.

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