Wednesday 30 November 2016

Double Chocolate Flax Pucks

I found the recipe for these in a fantastic book filled with energy bar recipes called Power Hungry, by Camilla V. Saulsbury.  It includes a variety of recipes, both baked, and unbaked, and what I really like about this book is that there are variations for different food issues in most of the recipes, so you can tailor it to suit your needs.

Double Chocolate Flax Pucks

Makes about 12

  • 1/2 cup ground flax
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cup quartered chocolate chunks, or semi sweet chocolate chips 

  • Grease 12 muffin cups, and preheat oven to 325ºF
  • Mix together ground flax, cocoa powder, peanut butter, honey, milk, and vanilla until well combined.  Stir in chocolate chips or chocolate chunks.
  • Evenly distribute the batter into the 12 muffin cups
  • Bake for 25 - 30 minutes, or until tops appear somewhat dry.
  • Cool in pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to cooling rack
Variations: You may substitute other nut butters, or non dairy milk but of course the results will vary.

I confess that these are my absolute favourite recipe in the book - could it possibly be the fact that they taste like chocolate brownies?  Perhaps.  :)  I love them for my afternoon coffee break, with a strawberry or raspberry milk kefir smoothie.  Yumm!

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