Sunday 30 October 2016

Rice Flour All Purpose Gluten Free Flour Blend

When I stopped eating gluten, I naturally looked for gluten free substitutes, and I discovered this all purpose Gluten Free Flour blend at Little House Living.  It has 3 basic ingredients, and I used it successfully as a straight substitute for wheat flour in several bar recipes that first Christmas.

Rice Flour All Purpose Gluten Free Flour Blend

  • 2 Cups Brown or White Rice Flour
  • 2 cups Sticky Rice Flour
  • 1 cup Potato Starch (not potato flour)
Whisk all ingredients together until well blended.

The sticky rice flour works as a binder in this recipe - like a gluten substitute.  If you can tolerate rice, then this works well for bar recipes, and crackers.  I didn't try it for other things because I discovered that in addition to gluten, my body doesn't like rice.

Here's a few more pics of bars I made using this blend in regular bar recipes.  They were deemed delicious when I brought them for Christmas!

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