Wednesday 7 September 2016

Lake Time

As a person who grew up on the farm, there is nothing I find quite as relaxing as getting out of the city for awhile.  My cousin has a cabin at a lake, and I was fortunate enough to be invited there for a few days.  One of the things I miss most about living outside the city is the quiet.  Of course nature is not perfectly quiet, but it beats the constant traffic noise of the city.  Besides the sounds of nature are, well, natural, and often more soothing.  For instance, the sound of wind blowing through tree leaves, or the sound of moving water.  So much easier to fall asleep to, or relax by.

It was lovely, mostly sunny and pleasant weather, and surprisingly mosquito free. Hooray!  The lack of bugs is what makes spring and fall my favourite seasons.  It’s not quite fall yet, but the temps at the lake are usually a little cooler, which made sleeping easier than in the heat of my apartment.

I have to admit that my favourite time of day when at the lake is first thing in the morning, which is when I took this picture of steam rising from the lake.  It was the middle of the week, which meant there were less people around. And early morning is beautifully quiet, which helps you to just stop and enjoy your surroundings - something I rarely do when I am in the city.

Both my cousin and I were in the mood to do very little, which worked well.  We went for a walk every day, spent a lot of time reading, napping, and watching movies in the evening.  We slept as long as we wanted, ate when we wanted, and snacked when we felt like it.  Sometimes in order to relax, you need to be away from home and all the things that “need” doing.  Of course when you get back, there's catching up to do, but there will always be things to do at home, no matter what, and it's good to be reminded that you need to relax, too.  It helps recharge the batteries so you can do the stuff that needs doing.


  1. Love and miss those early childhood days...Cherish the memories.

  2. I know - being at the lake with no worries or responsibilities, just fun!
