Thursday 20 January 2022

Name Change

Dear Readers,

I am changing the name of this blog to What These Hands Make.  Just to let you know so you won't wonder why you are getting a link to a blog that isn't familiar to you.

I also just noticed that for some reason the pics to some of my post have disappeared.  I will be fixing that quickly.

Thanks for joining me in my adventures...

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Oat Flour Tortillas

I found this recipe on Oats Every Day.  This is a site from the Prairie Oat Growers association, and it has a good assortment of recipes using oats and oat flour. Many of them could easily be made gluten-free simply by substituting gluten-free oats.  Oat flour can be a little tricky, but these oat flour tortillas are surprisingly easy to roll out thinly, and I put them in the freezer in a plastic bag after cooking without them sticking together.  I could take one out at a time with no problem.  The finished tortillas are also just as flexible as they should be, even after freezing.

Oat Flour Tortillas

Yield - 8 tortillas


  • 2 1/4 cups (225 gm) gluten-free oat flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water (cold)


  • In a large bowl, stir together the flour and salt.  A whisk is helpful because oat flour tends to clump.
  • Add the cold water slowly, starting with 3/4 cup, and mixing with a fork, like you do for pastry, until a dough is formed.  If it is crumbly, add a bit more water.  If it is sticky add a little more flour.
  • Put the dough on a surface lightly dusted with oat flour.  Knead until smooth.
  • Divide into 8 balls and let rest, covered with plastic, for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Working with one ball at a time, roll out on parchment paper until you have a thin, round tortilla. Roll from the centre out, rotating the dough.  Stack tortillas between sheets of parchment paper or plastic and cover with a dampened tea towel until all are rolled out.  You don't want them to get dry.
  • In a dry, non-stick pan (I like cast-iron) cook the tortillas over medium-high heat, one at a time for 30 - 60 seconds per side. Stack and keep warm on a plate - cover them with foil.