Thursday 17 June 2021

Chewy Ginger Snaps

The original recipe for these came from a nursing home kitchen where I worked, and I tried a few times to make a gluten-free version. They all tasted good, but I wasn't happy with the texture, and kept trying. When I realized that I needed to dramatically decrease the liquid content from the original (eggs and honey), I finally got the result I was looking for.

I always like to taste test the recipes with people who don't have to avoid gluten to make sure it's not just me who thinks it tastes good.  So I sent these along with my niece to her family gathering. One little girl came back for a second cookie, and confided to my niece that they were better than her Mom's ginger cookies—High praise!

Chewy Ginger Snaps


Makes about 3 dozen



       1/4 cup honey

       1/4 cup brown sugar

       1/2 cup dehydrated cane sugar

       1/2 cup butter, at room temperature

       1 large egg, at room temperature

       1 teaspoon molasses

       3 cups (300 gm) gluten-free oat flour (cold)

       1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

       3/4 teaspoon baking powder

       1 teaspoon ground ginger



   Weigh out the flour, or spoon it into a measuring cup.  Never scoop oat flour out of the package with a measuring cup.  It will compact, and you will get more flour than you need.  

    Preheat oven to 350 F, and line a couple of cookie sheets with parchment paper.

    Cream together the honey, sugars, and butter.

    Add the egg, and molasses, and beat well

    Add the dry ingredients and mix on low speed until well blended.

    Roll dough into balls (about 1 tablespoon each), roll in cane sugar, and place on the prepared cookies sheets, about 2" apart.

    Press each cookie down a bit with a fork dipped in sugar or flour to prevent the fork from sticking.

       Bake for 12 - 13 minutes.  Cool on a wire rack.

       Cookies will look puffy when removed from oven, but quickly flatten into a chewy cookie.

       Store in an airtight container.  They freeze well.


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