Monday 18 October 2021

Dear Subscribers

 Dear Subscribers,

You will have noticed that you are receiving two separate notifications for each post if you have subscribed for awhile.  Earlier this year, blogger informed us that it would be getting rid of the feedburner email subscriber widget by the end of August this year, and that we, as bloggers, should make other plans for our email subscribers.  So I went to, and signed up, exporting my email subscriber list to that service.  

I subscribe to my own blog, so I can make sure subscriptions are working.  Like you, I have been getting two notifications.  I kept thinking that it would eventually stop, because that is what blogger said would happen.  But here we are, a few months later, and feedburner is still send out email notices.  And when I go to feedburner, it doesn't even list this blog in my list of blogs, so there is no way that I can delete my subscriber list there.  I can only apologize and ask for your patience until the feedburner notifications stop. 

Thursday 7 October 2021

Today I Choose Joy!

This is a smaller piece - 11.75 x 12" - and it is one of my theme's for the year. The flowers are echinacea or purple coneflower.  Made on linen backing.  I have found that using strips from some types of wool blankets throws off a lot of fuzz, and the background colour on this was no different.  I had to vacuum it off using one of the soft brush attachments, but I am happy with it now that it is done!